Friday, April 3, 2009

Classroom Blog!

I have just finished setting up my classroom blog! We had a discussion in class about what a blog is and how it can be used. Most students didn't really have any idea about what they are and what you use them for. So I showed them this one. (Not really much to show them though).

After much discussion with my class we decided that the best way we could incorporate this into what we are doing is to use it as a platform to showcase our amazing writing. So shortly following this we will be sharing our writing with the world via our blog.

We are very excited about it and fingers crossed the blog will fulfill its purpose - provide us and our writing a global audience.

Regularity is not my forte!

Being one of the ICT cluster leaders for my school, I am supposed to write posts on my blog to document my learning journey and here's the catch - they are supposed to be regular entries. I am first to admit that I am not the most organised person around and I definitely have trouble keeping schedules. I had a goal which was to keep myself organised and try not to forget blog was one of you can see from the date of my last post, this hasn't really gone according to plan.
I am still trying to figure out the best way of keeping everything together and being more organised...I started with a diary that didn't work because I don't always have it with me. I tried ICal on my laptop, but I have found that I often forget to check it or I haven't always entered something on there because I wrote it in my diary! I'm sure I will get better at being organised and will definitely try to keep my blog updated.
Something I was thinking of trying was the Google calendar as I was reading about it this week and apparently you can save things between ICal and Google calendars...will definitely give it a go and you never know it may work for me!